Himalaya Tours & Trips

The Himalayas have stood on the southern edge of the Tibetan Plateau and stretches mainly among Tibet, Nepal and Bhutan for thousands of years. The main peak of the Himalayan mountains is the famous world's highest peak - Everest. When hiking in the valleys and mountains, you can look up to the towering snow-capped mountains above seven or eight kilometers above sea level. You can enjoy the ultimate landscape of glaciers, forests, plateau lakes, and grasslands, to satisfy your adventurous desire. There are dozens of ethnic groups in the Himalayan region. The common geographical environment has spawned and integrated similar religious cultures, forming a unique religious culture circle around the Himalayas. Hundreds of temples are scattered throughout Nepal, Bhutan, and Tibet. The Himalayas also produced ever-prosperous cultural heritages, such as architecture, sculpture, folk customs, murals, etc., waiting for your exploration!

Step into the pure lands and enjoy the fascinating natural and cultural beauty of Tibet and Nepal.
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Kathmandu - Lukla - EBC Trek - Lukla - Kathmandu
Trek to Everest Base Camp, get through undulating hills, discover Sherpa culture, and see up-close Mount Everest!
Lhasa- Shigatse- Old Tingri to EBC Trek- Shigatse- Lhasa
Looking for adventure? You may love trekking on the roof of the world to explore the magnificent scenery of Mt.Everest.
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Lhasa - Shigatse - EBC - Gyirong - Kathmandu - Paro - Punakha - Paro
This whistle-stop tour of three Himalayan kingdoms will take you to enjoy diverse cultures and spectacular scenery.
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Kathmandu - Pokhara - Poon Hill Trek - Pokhara - Chitwan - Kathmandu
Adventure with exotic culture, majestic landscapes, river rafting, and wildlife safari. Poonhill trek is the highlight.
India, Nepal and Tibet showcase mystical shrines and immerse you in lifestyles and beliefs you won't see anywhere else.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to hike in the Himalaya?

1. Do the necessary pre-study: before you come, study the area where you want to go hiking, and you can get help through different search engines on the Internet to provide you with information about the area, local tourism, and guides. You can book with a local licensed travel company in the area to make your trip easier.
2. Planning and preparation: first and foremost you love hiking! Consider taking short hikes near your home to start basic fitness, beginning with slow walking, and gradually increase the pace. Thinking about camping with a backpack for a few days, walking on rough trails, and eating different foods. This will help you adapt to the arduous trek.
3. Physical condition: when you plan to hike in the Himalaya, it requires a certain level of physical fitness. In this state of health, the muscles can adapt to changes in altitude rising and falling on long journeys. If you're not particularly tired when you arrive at camp after a day of marching, the trek in the Himalaya will be much more enjoyable.
4. Psychological condition: psychological preparation is more complicated than physical preparation. The experience of hiking in the Himalaya can be a cultural surprise and shock of mind that you have to learn to absorb. You need to adjust at any time due to excessive excitement or confusion caused by surprise and shock. It is recommended to read a few books about the Himalaya to really understand this area.

What's the best time for Himalaya trekking?

The Himalaya is mountainous so the weather may be unpredictable.  We avoid trekking during the rainy season as the experience will not be good, and during winter as it can be extremely cold at altitude. 

Generally, trekking is concentrated in the two main seasons - Autumn and Spring.

Autumn(September to mid-November) is the most popular time to trek in the Himalaya. In autumn, you are more likely to encounter clear skies and views of the grand peaks. The night temperature might drop below zero.

Spring(mid-March to mid-May) is a pleasant time to trek the Himalaya, especially in Nepal. You will enjoy the spectacle of blossoming rhododendrons and other flowers at this time.  The weather is colder than autumn months so please prepare warm stuff for use in teahouses or campgrounds at night but the reward will be quieter trails and spectacular mountain views all around.

How to get a visa of Nepal, Bhutan, and Tibet?

Nepal Visa: All people visiting Nepal (except those holding an Indian passport) need to apply for an entry visa upon arrival in Kathmandu. Either on your flight or at the airport, you will receive an application form. You need USD$25 (up to 15 days) or USD$40(up to 30 days), a passport valid for at least 6 months from your arrival day in Nepal, and two passport photos for visa application.

Bhutan Visa: All tourist can't travel in Bhutan independently. The tourist visas must be applied for and arranged by the Bhutan travel agency except for those holding passports of India, Bangladesh or Maldives. After signing up a Bhutan tour, your travel agency will require you the photo page of your passport to apply for your Bhutan Visa. The visa fee USD40 is included in your trip cost.

Tibet Visa: All tourists entering the Tibet Autonomous Region (TAR) through China must first obtain a Chinese visa (Singapore, Japanese and Mongolian citizens do not need a Chinese visa, but the visit time should be no more than 15 days). And in Tibet, you can't travel independently so you also need a Tibet Travel Permit, which can only applied by your Tibet travel agency. If you enter Tibet through Nepal, you don't need to apply for a Chinese visa in advance. Instead, you need China Group Visa, which can also be obtained with the help of your Tibet travel agency.

How to deal with altitude sickness in the Himalayas?

In terms of altitude, no other mountain in the world is comparable to the Himalayas. As the Himalaya Rescue Association said: "The Himalayas grow from the ridge of another mountain." Please remember, sleeping well is essential. If you climb to high altitude areas, you may suffer the discomfort from altitude sickness. What is a high altitude? Generally, 1500 meters to 3500 meters is considered high altitude, the elevation from 3500 meters to 5500 meters is ultra-high altitude, and the region above 5500 meters is extremely high.

Usually, the symptoms will be relatively mild, and the situation will improve as the altitude decreases. The way to prevent altitude sickness is to allow the body to have enough time to adapt to the thin air. Therefore, a slow and steady rise in altitude is essential. Besides, taking sufficient water is also helpful because in a high-altitude and dry environment, the lungs and skin will constantly lose water, so you need to drink enough water to maintain your body. Other measures include eating high carbohydrates and avoiding strenuous exercise in the early stage of climbing, which can reduce the incidence of altitude sickness. When symptoms such as headache, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, and tiredness occur, be vigilant.  These mild altitude sicknesses can be used Aspirin or Diamox to treat and relieve nausea and vomiting.

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